lunedì 3 luglio 2017

Innsbruck: cosa vedere e cosa fare nel capoluogo del Tirolo

Il profumo delle Alpi, fresco e puro, l'essenza di una natura incontaminata, che si fonde con quello dei bretzel appena sfornati e che pervade i vicoli colorati della città. Edifici dai colori pastello, fiori alle finestre, maestosi palazzi, villaggi d'incanto, ricchi di storia e con tradizioni ancora vive, altopiani soleggiati e romantici, e vette immacolate tanto vicine da poterle quasi toccare. Innsbruck è così, sembra uscita da un libro delle fiabe, una di quelle dei fratelli Grimm che ci leggevano da bambini per farci addormentare.
Abbracciata dalle montagne, colorata dai tetti dei palazzi eleganti, capace di farsi ammirare sia d'inverno che d'estate, vi lascerà con la voglia di tornarvi, presto o tardi. 
Città alpina posta sulla confluenza del fiume Inn con il Sill, Insbruck deve il suo nome al ponte sull'Inn, il fiume che l'attraversa e che si getta più a nord del Danubio.

The perfume of the Alps, fresh and pure, the essence of uncontaminated nature, which blends with the freshly baked bretzel and that pervades the colorful alleys of the city. Buildings of pastel colors, flowers at the windows, majestic palaces, enchanting villages, rich in history and traditions still alive, sunny and romantic highlands, and immaculate peaks so close that you can almost touch them. Innsbruck is like this, apparently coming out from a book of fairy tales, one of those of Grimm's brothers who read to us as children to make us fall asleep.
Embraced by the mountains, colorful from the roofs of elegant palaces, able to be admired both in winter and summer, will leave you with the desire to return, sooner or later.
Insbruck has its name by the bridge over the Inn, the river that crosses it and which slides to the north of the Danube.
Innsbruck è una città di cui innamorarsi e che offre molto durante l'intero periodo dell'anno. Una città d'arte dal fascino straordinario, dove storia, cultura e tradizioni si fondono in un tutt'uno con il bellissimo paesaggio circostante.
Circondata dalla ciclopica catena di monti, la Nordkette, che protegge la città con i suoi palazzi tardo-gotici e rococò e le insegne di ferro battuto appese alle facciate colorate del centro storico, Innsbruck è un mosaico della storia della cultura: imperiali, imponenti, sfarzosi e ricchi si presentano gli edifici storici del centro città. Mondani, d'avanguardia e promettenti, invece, i nuovi emblemi moderni della città, come il Trampolino olimpico del Bergisel di Zaha Hadid, il Tetto d'Oro, il Palazzo Imperiale e la Torre civica, ma anche il Castello di Ambras e le meravigliose chiese e cappelle, tra le quali il Duomo di San Giacomo e la Chiesa di Corte che ospita il monumento funebre dell'imperatore Massimiliano I e 28 statue bronzee, a grandezza umana, che rappresentano i membri della famiglia dell'imperatore.

Innsbruck is a city to fall in love with and offers a lot throughout the whole year. An art city with extraordinary charm, where history, culture and traditions blend into one with the beautiful surrounding landscape.
Surrounded by the cyclone chain of mountains, Nordkette, which protects the city with its late Gothic and rococo palaces and wrought iron insignia hanging on the colorful facades of the old town, Innsbruck is a mosaic of the history of culture: imperial, imposing, rich are the spectacular historic buildings of the city center. Saying, vanguard and promising, instead, the new modern city emblems such as the Zaha Hadid Bergisel Olympic Trampoline, the Golden Roof, the Imperial Palace and the Civic Tower, as well as the Ambras Castle and the marvelous churches and chapels, including the San Giacomo Cathedral and the Church of the Court, which hosts the funeral monument of Emperor Massimiliano I and 28 bronze statues of human grandeur, representing members of the emperor's family.
Basta passeggiare nel suggestivo centro storico per tornare a vivere i tempi dell'Imperatore Massimiliano I. Le facciate tardo-gotiche, i portici nel tipico stile architettonico Inn-Salzach, e le logge ornate sono impregnati di storia e cultura.
"Vivi ogni istante, non perderti nessun ballo nella vita, tanto non potrai portare nulla con te".
Così reciterebbe la massima scritta sulla voluta del famoso Tettuccio d'Oro, chiamato anche la "loggia d'oro" o in tedesco "Goldenes Dachl", ma si tratta solo di semplici congetture perchè ad oggi la scritta non è ancora stata decifrata.
Ricoperto con 2.657 tegole a scaglie di rame dorato, un tempo emblema del vecchio cuore dell'Europa, è il tetto di copertura della loggia aggiunta all'edificio del Neuhof per volere dell'imperatore in occasione delle sue nozze.
Davanti ad esso si estende, immutato nel tempo, il centro storico di Innsbruck, dove ci si ritrova immersi in un'atmosfera tardo-medievale.

Just stroll in the charming old town to return to the times of Emperor Massimiliano I. The late Gothic facades, the arcades in the typical Inn-Salzach architectural style, and the ornate loggias are impregnated with history and culture.
"Live every moment, do not lose any dance in life, so you can not carry anything with you".
Thus, he would recite the greatest possible writing on the will of the famous Golden Roof, also called the "golden loggia" or in German "Goldenes Dachl", but it is only a simple conjecture because the writing has not yet been deciphered.
Covered with 2,657 golden copper sculptures, once emblematic of the old heart of Europe, it is the roof covering of the loggia added to the Neuhof building at the wish of the Emperor at his wedding.
In front of it extends, unchanged in time, the old town of Innsbruck, where you find yourself immersed in a late-medieval atmosphere.
Ma Innsbruck saprà affascinarvi sia dall'alto che dal basso. A me sono bastati 51 metri di altezza e 133 gradini, quelli della Torre Civica, per innamorarmene perdutamente.
 La Torre Civica è il punto di riferimento del centro storico. Costruita nel 1450 per avvisare i cittadini in caso di incendio o di altri pericoli, oggi è l'emblema della città. Da qui si gode di una magnifica vista sul capoluogo del Tirolo e tra un sospiro di meraviglia e l'altro, si ammirano i vicoli medievali, le vette del Bergisel, del Patscherkofel e della Nordkette.

But Innsbruck will charm you both from above and below. To me I was enough 51 meters high and 133 steps, those of the Civic Tower, to fall in love with it.
  The Civic Tower is the landmark of the Old Town. Built in 1450 to alert citizens in the event of fire or other hazards, it is now the city's emblem. From here you can enjoy a magnificent view over the capital of Tyrol, and amidst a sigh of wonder and the other, you can admire the medieval alleys, the Bergisel, Patscherkofel and Nordkette peaks.
Addentrandosi nei vicoli della città si giunge al Palazzo Imperiale. Un tempo residenza dei conti del Tirolo, fu poi rimodernato sullo stile rococò della residenza viennese da Maria Teresa d'Austria.
La sua lunga facciata, fiancheggiata da due torri a cupola sono un tipico esempio di architettura tardo barocco del XVIII secolo.
Le sale imperiali affascinano per la loro abbondanza di decori, per i dipinti e gli affreschi, così come accade per la Sala dei Giganti (la stanza di Stato più importante del palazzo), le gallerie, la sala del trono e i grandi giardini.
Nel cortile interno del palazzo, inoltre, si trova il Cafè Sacher, ricco di tradizione, dove poter gustare l'originale torta Sacher e altre prelibatezze.

Climbing in the alleys of the city you reach the Imperial Palace. Once the residence of the counts of Tyrol, it was later remodeled on the rococo style of the Viennese residence by Maria Teresa of Austria.
Its long façade, flanked by two dome towers, is a typical example of late Baroque architecture of the 18th century.
Imperial rooms are fascinated by their abundance of decorations, paintings and frescoes, as is the case for the Giants' Room (the most important state room of the palace), the galleries, the throne room and the large gardens.
In the inner courtyard of the palace there is the Café Sacher, rich in tradition, where you can taste the original Sacher cake and other delicacies.
Innsbruck è la città del piacere, delle scoperte, della dolce vita, della gioia di vivere e della buona cucina. La gustosa cucina tirolese viene celebrata con le sue prelibatezze nei numerosi ristoranti e sulle malghe in montagna. Taverne tradizionali, birrifici, enoteche, pub, speckerie, ristoranti stellati, roof-top-lounge ricche di stile invitano a gustare appieno l'abbondanza del Tirolo.
E se vi dicessi che è possibile cenare a lume di candela anche a 2000 metri di altezza, con una spettacolare vista su Innsbruck di notte, con le sue luci, i suoi colori e la sua magica atmosfera? Un sogno!

Innsbruck is the city of pleasure, discoveries, sweet life, joy of life and good food. Tyrolean cuisine is celebrated with its delicacies in the many restaurants and mountain pastures. Traditional taverns, breweries, wine bars, pubs, sprouts, starred restaurants, stylish high roof-lounges invite you to taste the abundance of Tyrol.
And if I told you that you can dine at candlelight even at 2000 meters high, with a spectacular view over Innsbruck at night, with its lights, its colors and its magical atmosphere? A dream!
Qui le tradizioni sono ancora molto vive. Nel centro città, infatti, tra botteghe artigianali e negozi di souvenir si trovano anche piccole boutique dove poter acquistare l'abito tradizionale tirolese: il Dirndl per le signore, e il Tracht per i signori, tutt'ora indossati, di norma, in occasioni particolari come matrimoni, feste campestri, battesimi, ma anche lauree.
Ma dietro al dirndl, il costume tradizionale femminile, si cela una curiosità. Composto da una camicetta, un corpetto, una gonna e un grembiule, sul quale aleggia un'antica usanza; quest'ultimo, infatti, se intrecciato sul fianco destro significa che la donna è sposata, al contrario invece, se posizionato a sinistra significa che la signora è single.

Here traditions are still alive. In the city center, between handicraft shops and souvenir shops, there are also small boutiques where you can buy the traditional Tyrolean dress: the Dirndl for the ladies, and the Tracht for the gentlemen, still worn, usually, on special occasions such as weddings, country festivals, baptisms, but also graduations.
But behind the dirndl, the traditional female costume, there is a curiosity. Made up of a blouse, a bodice, a skirt and an apron, on which is an old custom, the latter, if braided on the right side means that the woman is married, on the contrary instead, if it is on the left means that the lady is single.
E quando si avvicina il Natale, non perdetevi la scoperta del magico mondo natalizio, con i suoi mercatini (ben 6) profumati da tanti invitanti odorini di Krapfen, strudel e vin brulé. 
Durante il periodo dell'Avvento, nel centro storico della città, il Vicolo delle Favole (Marchengasse) e il Vicolo del Gigante (Riesengasse) si trasformano in una fiaba a cielo aperto. Le finestre dei palazzi vengono animate con peluche ritraenti i personaggi delle fiabe più famose che incantano grandi e piccini.

And when Christmas is closer, you do not miss the discovery of the magical Christmas world, with its market scented with many inviting smells of Krapfen, strudel and mulled wine.
During the Advent period, in the historic center of the city, the Fairytale Alley (Marchengasse) and the Giant Alley (Riesengasse) become an open air fairy tale. The windows of the palaces are animated with plushes portraying characters of the most famous fairy tales that charm adults and children.

78 commenti:

  1. bellissima innsbruck!!!
    ci sono stata da poco e me ne sono innamorata

  2. Non sai quanto desidero visitare questi luoghi, sono da un bel po' nella mia lista dei desideri!

  3. Great post!
    I follow you #593,follow me back!

  4. Già mi ha affascinato dalle foto Innsbruck figuriamoci dal vivo sarà stupenda.

  5. Ci sono stata tanti anni fa, bellissima! Kiss
    Nuovo post “Sfilata Monnalisa ss18| Magia ai Giardini Corsini di Firenze” ora su

  6. Che meraviglia l'Austria!
    Ci sono stata il mese scorso e già tornerei... Le tue foto mi hanno rifatto sentire quei profumi!



  7. What a beautiful place, all the photos are literally amazing...! Kisses, Neha

  8. ci sono stata un po' di anni fa in gita scolastica, si trovava sulla strada per andare a Praga che era la nostra destinazione finale e quindi purtroppo è stata solo una toccata e fuga. vorrei tornarci con più calma per visitarla bene :)

  9. Amazing pics. I wanna be there right now

  10. sai che non ci sono mai stata? in caso ti chiederò!

  11. Che bello, noi ci siamo state, è proprio un posto meraviglioso! :)
    Agnese & Elisa

  12. Le sale imperiali affascinano per la loro abbondanza di decori

  13. adoroooo!!

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  31. Getting top quality weed, hash, pills and coke in Innsbruck is easy if you know the right people to deal with. We highly recommend our local vendor ( ) he has extensive knowledge of Innsbruck and can hook you up with the best quality of bud without any hassle. Just hit him up and place your order. He is very professional and keep things discreet. You won't regret dealing with him. Email " "

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  33. Hello stoners, after reading comments here I decided to contact Greenie about getting weed in Innsbruck. I was so impressed because he got me the best quality I ever had. You can reach him 
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  34. There is a very reliable hook up in Innsbruck. He is reliable, discreet , deals face2face and his quality is the best. He has been my plug since my cousin introduced him to my friends and I. If you need quality weed and other party Drugs in Innsbruck, you can reach him at ( ) and he will get you the best quality weed and coke in Innsbruck. My friends and I have been buying from him for a long time and his quality is the best.

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    Are you in Innsbruck trying to buy some quality stuffs from a local dealer whom you can trust ? Then I will say hassle no more.
    Just hit up Greenie ( ) as recommended by many here. 

    He is a lifesaver and the way to go .
    I have used his services more than once and after following his instructions, everything went on well. He is very professional, friendly and prompt. You won't regret dealing with Greenie ( )


    Are you in Innsbruck trying to buy some quality stuffs from a local dealer whom you can trust ? Then I will say hassle no more.
    Just hit up Greenie ( ) as recommended by many people here. 

    He is a lifesaver and the way to go .
    I have used his services more than once and after following his instructions, everything went on well. He is very professional, friendly and prompt. You won't regret dealing with Greenie ( )

  38. Are you in Innsbruck trying to buy some quality stuffs from a local dealer whom you can trust ? Then I will say hassle no more.
    Just hit up Adkin (localconnect112@gmailc0m) as recommended by Walt.
    He is a lifesaver and the way to go .
    I have used his services more than once and after following his instructions, everything went on well. He is very professional, friendly and prompt.

    His telegram username is: KUSHKONNECTION

  39. What a beautiful place, all the photos are literally amazing. Kinemaster Gold

  40. isabella ( ) was an absolute blessing to my crew during our stay in The city We are seasonal veterans and we’ve never experienced service like ISABELLA! SHe was very informing, process was quick and timely, and she had MUCH patience with the many different groups buying through our crew. The bud was quality and she even threw us some discounts and papers on our larger orders! Needless to say, we went back for round 2 and will DEFINITELY be using Isabel ( rollbudup420[add] gmail com ) every year!! (:

  41. Hey stoners, You may come from a country where weed is legal or at least decriminalized and like to have your "smoke". Don't even think about getting from the streets because the Cannabis laws here are still kind of harsh.

    Personally I recommend Isabel ( a local here in Innsbruck . SHe is such a reliable and convenient local plug. SHe is popularly known and highly recommended.

  42. So I will admit I was extremely skeptical about emailing some Girl named Isabella ( and arranging a drug deal for some weed and Hash . But after reading all the positive reviews I figured it was worth a shot. I was not disappointed at all! Isabella IS AWESOME! SHe is all about the customer. SHe has someone meet you in a quiet (but really convenient) place. I messed up and was waiting at the wrong area. Her guy waited for 20 minutes until he finally found me. And the weed is fucking awesome. If you are coming to Town and need the hook up, look no further. Isabella is your Girl. Yoy can also Get her on Telegram / rollitupkush

  43. Hey fam, let me update u guys on how it roll in Town. When u come here hit up ( rollbudup420
    at geemail com) and ask for Isabella . There are three replies then. They will pretend to not understand, then you say Bud twice. They have weed or hash. Follow the instructions (or maybe they come with car if they are close) When you see them you will know them. Or they ask if you are Cala, then you say Oki. You will get your stash, meet them behind the place they say. If they say wrong info, then tough shit they are out. Get back tomorrow, maybe you lucky.

    This way is the best. 10 years guarantee.


  44. SHe is a lifesaver and the way to go .Sale the best greens and party pills in Town
    I have used her services more than once and after following her instructions, everything went on well. SHe is very professional, friendly and prompt. You won’t regret dealing with isabella / search rollitupkush on telegram annd she will help u out

  45. Thank You Thank u Thank U ISABELLA
    me and my crew are very grateful for the buds u supply and also the pills too
    Hey Guys if u r in Town and u need some goods …Hassle no more just talk with Isabella and she will give u the best local service over here …search rollitupkush on telegram u will find her or Wz.. plus one eight one four seven 44 4 five 7 4

  46. OMG I remember Bella , She was also our hook up..Shes very reliable and discreet in her dealings ...get intouch with her ..SHe is the best if you are looking for a great time..Email “ “ . or her Telegram / rollitupkush

  47. Yes I will say Isabella is the best bud dealer of here
    i was scared initially but after reading some good reviews about her delivery i did contact her and she supply me and my crew with awesome buds and some coke too
    Thank u so much Isabella
    hey guys she’s on Telegram as : rollitupkush



  50. Its was all good with the delivery ..Yes we was scared in the beginning but after all the good points and our favorites strains she had in her stock ..we did give it a try and the delivery guy delay like ten minutes but he finally arrived and woow the buds were so good and thank u so much (@rollitupkush) on telegram
    Me and my crew had a wonderful time

  51. SHe is the best seller here for top shelf grass.SHe just ask me some few
    questions and some few steps to follow then top shelf was delivered to
    me within 30 minutes. SHe made my visiting here a perfect one.hit her up
    via the (@rollitupkush) on telegram or mail rollbudup420@gmailcom above
    if you need some to be delivered to you

  52. NOTE!!!
    My Delivery was very safe.I placed my order before leaving my country and upon arrival at my Hotel, My package was delivered Discretely & 100% Safe. I’m soo impressed with the quality of stuff i got from this girl ! I highly recommend you to CONTACT:**(rollbudup420 at gmail com)** or Telegram : (rollitupkush) if you need Quality Medical marry Jane , brown and WHITE STUFFS get the Best…She good and fast in her things ….Enjoy yourself


  53. Good News ****ATTENTION MATES**** I remember ISabella ( rollbudup420 (a)gmailcom ) , she was also our hook up of good buds and coke . She sorted us in style during our little vacation .
    Top quality 420bud of different strains you can find around.
    You won’t regret getting in touch with her . Highly recommended local plug.she is also on telegram as : rollitupkush

  54. It's a marathon over here ..people try to source the most secured and reliable and discreet and green deals .After some few positive
    recommendations about Isabella ( telegram
    it was so good with flowers were just so so so awesome ..everything went smooth and he has been
    our source since then ..Proper things for locals and tourist....

  55. Special Message to all Tourist like me and locals over here ..I highly recommend a local plug for best party things
    such as proper tasty buds and white coke ….she is really good i most say …She’s on Telegram (@rollitupkush) .or ( rollbudup420 (a)gmailcom )
    Fast and very reliable . enjoy

  56. ****ATTENTION MATES**** I remember ISabella ( rollitupkush on telegram ) , she was also our hook up of good buds and coke . She sorted us in style during our little vacation in INNSBRUCK!.
    Top quality 420bud of different strains you can find around.
    You won’t regret getting in touch with her . Highly recommended local plug.


  57. If you are in search of quality bud and other stuffs from a local dealer, just get to Isabel (rollbudup420gmailcom). SHe sells the best amongst all. SHe is highly known by many for his good job

    You can also find her on Telegram Id as: rollitupkush . only reliable local vendor in

    Town, follow the instructions and stay enjoy proper things

  58. Just got back…spent 12 days. So personally i recommend Bella @rollitupkush on telegram .She sorted us out nicely
    the buds and coke were good. Also on time with deliveries ..If you are in the area and need some good buds then try her .

  59. Hello Mates!!This is to confirming that Isabella
    services is rock solid!I recommend her services to all stoners looking for quality greens and coke
    over here . We just follow the instructions she gave us and boom / our package was delivered on time
    You can also find her on Telegram Id as: rollitupkush . only reliable local vendor in Town

  60. My Delivery was made possible by @ rollitupkush on telegram .I always tell people there is everything here in the City.
    If you are in search of quality bud and other stuffs from a local dealer, just get to rollitupkush .

  61. Bravo!So I will admit I was extremely skeptical about emailing . This is to confirming @roillitupkush on telegram
    services is rock solid!I recommend her services to all stoners looking for quality greens and coke
    over here . We just follow the instructions she gave us and boom / our package was delivered on time..
    You can also find her on rollbudup420gmail com . only reliable local vendor in Town
