giovedì 31 dicembre 2015

Best of 2015

A few hours separate us to finally close the book of 2015. A few hours and I have to admit, I almost regret that a year has come to an end. Many of you will breathe a sigh of relief, hoping that 2016 will be better (I hope so with all my heart!), but for me it was a special year and, for the first time in 26 years, I am sorry. I thought about it the other night, when, in a quiet moment, I found myself to sum up this 2015.
2015 was the year of change and surprises. The year that I could see small dreams come true.
The blog has grown a lot in these 365 days, thanks to you that, day after day, passionate to this virtual diary, with the help of my photographers, my mother and the people who love me, support me, help me and, if they can, recommend me. The rewards were so many. Partnerships, special projects, events and the American editorial. But I will remember 2015 above all for bringing me wonderful people, an "Angel wearing high heels" and a "Snob Countess", with which I hope to "write" all the books of my life.
An year that gave me smiles, many smiles, especially in this last part and I hope to smile like that for a long, long time, not only in 2016.
It was the year of the newfound peace and strength that I hope accompany me over the next 365 days. I do not have "good intentions" for this 2016, I have not a good relationship with the lists and certainly I would not keep them, I only have so many dreams to fulfill and goals to achieve.
Thank you 2015, you' ve really surprised me! Now, 2016, it's your turn!

lunedì 28 dicembre 2015

Crema viso Aqua Sorbet Light

All of us make use of facial creams, whether dry skin, oily or mixed. Take care of our face is infact the first step to an healthy skin.
The face, with the hands, it is our business card, so you must moisturize and treat the skin, in order for it to appear bright and relaxed, especially during the cold months. In this regard I want to tell you about Aqua Light Sorbet by Bruno Vassari, a cream that I got to try and that I can not do without.
Bruno Vassari is synonymous with quality and innovation.
 The brand, infact, offers the best active ingredients present in the cosmetic scene, that will satisfy even our sensory emotions and the feeling of freshness that gives "Aqua Genomics", the first self-moisturizing line.
Aqua Light Sorbet is a self-moisturizing fluid emulsion, for normal to oily skin, the texture is very light and watery. Contains revidrat, the active ingredient specifically designed to reactivate the biological mechanisms that maintain normal skin hydration and moisturizing glycerin that enhances the activity. With Aqua Sorbet Light the skin is immediately softer and moisturized from the first application.

lunedì 21 dicembre 2015


"La Signora di classe non è quella che quando passa fa fischiare, bensì quella che fa calare improvvisamente il silenzio."

Strong women have always aroused great fascination in the eyes of your little princess. Slender women physically but with super fine minds, women who, with their know-how, influenced the choices of the powerful and moved, deep, whole nations. Because, as Virginia Woolf wrote, "behind every great man there is a great woman."
With the emancipation women, and with it theirs general view, has changed. Today, in fact, we do not hide behind more frills and trappings, even less behind the voice of man. Yet we kept the femininity, the delicacy and the natural fragility that makes us women, unique to our species. A sort of balance between grace and power, as a feline that astounds with its grand elegance but, at the same time, it frightens for its strength. The tiger that Blake was talking about, in one of his most famous poems, with these concerns: "What immortal hand or fire could frame this fearful simmetry?"
And just as Blake asked, at times I ask myself how can be possible similar manifestations of grace and power, then, thinking back to those women of past ages and what we have become, I simply say: "that's how!"

lunedì 14 dicembre 2015


There are two types of people in this world: the hammers and nails. It's up to us to decide what we want to be.
 It's a game and in this game there is no space for the heart.
There is a science that leads others to trust you. I call it simply: persuasion and it's a bit as the seduction.
We women are born to deceive, the man, however, was born to fall into our trap. That of love.
With men is a game of emotions and vibrations, made of looks and whispered words, attitudes and destabilizing glances. Sometimes the game is divided into 2, 3 or 4 match, depending on the skill of the opponent not to be deceived by the angel or demon in front of him, other times, however, it does not take much to make him stain of love.
It's a matter of focus, we push our opponent to focus on a point and without his knowledge working on another. If you do focus, you can take whatever you want. Also the heart of a man, who, initially, said that he would never fallen at your feet.

lunedì 7 dicembre 2015

Opposés Complémentaires

You know, opposites attract, chasing each other. Like life and death. Good and evil. It can happen, at some point, an inexplicable fascination for that, the extreme are so joined, sometimes briefly, sometimes forever.
Everything has its opposite. Joy and sadness. Fear and love. Friend and enemy. Opposites arise from natural tendency of man to classify, distinguish, judge, select. They are the result of intellectual activity. The mind, you know, want to know everything, classify it, give it a name.
On reflection, opposites serve to make us understand the value of the experiences, the lessons that Life gives us opportunity to experiment in order to evolve and live more happy.
No one can determine in advance whether and when any person will be able to understand the value of opposites. Maybe never. Maybe not help understand them. Maybe someone need more time, years, lives.
No one really knows what you want as long as his soul will not experience certain experiences in life.

"What is the opposite accords, from things in contrast comes the most beautiful harmony, and everything is generated because of contention."

giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

The Fashion Princess on KEEL Magazine

"Believe in your dreams and they will believe in you.
And all you had imagined become real. "

They say to believe in dreams, to believe always in these that, sooner or later, will come true. And they are right! Dreams are chased, longed, dreamed, never set aside. We must fight for them. Not always be easy but get up and run to your dreams, you will seem unattainable but they will even get tired, and then, you will be easy to catch them to make them your own. They also say that if a dream has so many obstacles, then it is the right one.
I had a dream, one of many linked to this adventure, and few weeks ago I was lucky enough to see it realized.
This summer I wrote in my "Bucket List" (here) that I would, one day, see myself in a fashion magazine. Only a few months earlier, in April, I was contacted by the editor in chief of KEEL Magazine, who wanted to devote me six pages in the new volume (you find me, in fact, from page 60 to page 66).
Can you imagine my happiness?! I must admit, I can hardly contain it! I am honored to be part of this fashion global magazine.
I thank wholeheartedly the editor in chief and his staff for the wonderful work and the beautiful words!
Never stop believing in your dreams, when you least expect they will come true ;)

martedì 1 dicembre 2015

UKI Groupie Argan per capelli lucenti e setosi

We women are complicated, and this is a fact, but when it comes to hair we are even more. Who has them straight want them curls, who curly wants them straight. Is not it?!
We spend hours in front of the mirror and we are never happy, we always want them perfect, if a hair, even one, is out of place, the tragedy triggered. Tell me you are like this too!
As you understand, and noticed in my many photos, I am a super-mega-fan of fold smooth. Elegant, impeccable, neat and practical; just a brush, an hair dryer and an hair straightener to get it.
Not enough, however, to have straight hair perfect, I want them too soft, shiny and silky.
However it is known to all that, the use (immoderate) of the hair straightner causes damage to the hair. So the question is: hair straightener yes or hair straightener no?
The answer is the hair straightener Uki Groupie Argan. A great news and the ally of the perfect and shiny fold smooth!
With argan oil and its known properties, this hair straightener softens the hair and makes them shiny and silky.
Since using it I can not do without! The fold, to my delight, is always perfect and my hair say thank's ;)

lunedì 30 novembre 2015

Mrs. Gray

As a cold and cloudy day that embodies intriguing strength, gray, with his elegance made, is one of the nuances for autumn/winter 2015-16. A master key for all occasions.
Taupe, pearl, ash, ice, gunmetal, the non-color becomes the star of the season to match in total look or leaders from shades on.

lunedì 23 novembre 2015

Come un soffione

I would really like the "OFF" button to turn off the brain. But seriously. I do not say always, but sometimes, it would be great. It would benefit all of us. As when I silent my smartphone. But no, it talks and talks, and think, think. Shut up! Sometimes it's worse than a boring and grouchy boyfriend.
If I had to portray the thoughts that I have on my mind, they would have the shape of a head. Fireworks, indeed a real fireworks show, which takes the principle from the center, it branches to the star and get light on the balls, stroking the surrounding air.
As the heads, would be enough to blow over, to certain thoughts, which are colored and inflamed, to let them disperse here and there. Light, as if they were bubble blower.

lunedì 16 novembre 2015

La dama vestita di bianco

She's like a dame from another era, a woman dressed in white and lips drenched in a bright red lipstick, which looks at you with an Hamlet expression and eyes full of desire, perhaps she sighs, certainly wants you capture. And you on the other side of the fence you almost do not notice so much of her transport, but in the end you ignore it, you think that women of other times were those who, on the French Riviera a century ago, has bewitched the powerful that the gay revelers vacationers of times gone by, and the latter eventually were captured from their eyes full of sensuality. Summer nights were long, hot and carefree, a gentle sea breeze joined passionate love for a night or a morning, but in the end of all autumn oncoming.
  A furtive tear strokes her soft cheeks and touch from the flower of youth, while she sighs, amused, under a rain of yellow leaves.

mercoledì 11 novembre 2015

The good taste of choice

The existence is like this, about intersections. Most of our life is entrusted to the appropriate choice: it requires good taste and sound judgment as to where not enough neither the study nor the talent. There can be no perfection where there is no choice: it has the dual advantage, being able to choose, and to choose the best.
The real choice is never between doing something or not doing it. But between do it or keep it for courage or fear. When making a choice, you change the future, change the cards on the table. Many men of fruitful and subtle genius, keen judgment, scholars and well informed, when they arrive at the moment of choice, are lost.
  But when, one day, you'll find yourself in front of that junction, you already know that you will lose something. There is no choice that does not result in a loss. So this ability to choose well is one of the greatest gifts of heaven.

lunedì 9 novembre 2015

#Shinedontbeshy: il party di Glamour e Dior

Take a Thursday night, October 8, a glass of champagne, then add us some bloggers, the drafting of Glamour and a well-known French brand that starts with D... and ends with R. Yes, Dior. The result? #Shinedontbeshy, the party organized by Glamour and Dior to celebrate the launch of the new Dior Addicted lipstick.
  An evening based on selfie, champagne, interactive games and make-up. A virtual and sensory journey to discover the Dior world.
Pink and roses perfume the atmosphere, a mix of perfumes, those Dior, and cocktails made with champagne and exotic flavors.
There were guests as Melissa Satta, Natasha Stefanenko and many others.
A successful party in the name of "glamor", however when the protagonists are "certain names" (Glamour and Dior)... success and fun are guaranteed!

mercoledì 4 novembre 2015

Alaia Paris

"Creating a fragrance is like a confidence to a woman, robbing of her thoughts on the future and escape before she faces back. It also means knowing that, from that moment, the words of my secret will never be the same... " (Azzedine Alaia)

It was one of the few fashion houses who had not yet declined olfactory. Azzedine Alaia, cult couturier for excellence in fashion, launched his first fragrance for women: Alaia Paris.
Created by Marie Salamagne of Firmenich, the essence is built around a childhood memory of the designer: to his grandmother throwing some fresh water on hot walls of Tunisia.
Alaia Paris, a play of contrasts that passes by the freshness, given by notes of pink pepper, freesia and peony, known to most animals such as musk.
A scent that comes from far away, a "source" perfume.
A scent that accompanies the time, does not witness any age in particular, but emotions of every age. It does not come from any country, it has crossed them all. Not belong to any season, because it lives in each of them.
A fragrance for the day or for the night at the same time.
The aesthetic Alaia is a manifesto, a true declaration of women's rights. "If Azzedine Alaia sculpts women's bodies because he has a special relationship with them: see them beautiful, makes beautiful and gives them confidence in their body", says Franca Sozzani. So, once again imposing beauty as absolute, through its eau de parfum, Alaia Paris, the enchanted universe of Azzedine Alaia continue their journey by offering an eternal invitation to travel.
The bottle is the work of Martin Skezely, "a fetish object for women". A glass translucent black packaging, heavy and valuable, decorated with openwork Alaia, the emblematic motif of the fashion house, which appeared for the first time on the leather corset in the 80s. The cap, a spool of golden thread that seems evanescent fly, wrought metal and gold rose.
Alaia Paris will be available from September in dealerships perfumeries.

lunedì 2 novembre 2015

La bella lavanderina...

It's happen that, at Court, the servants went on vacation; the Queen (my mother) said that they needed to rest and have withdrawn all to the Caribbean (lucky them!), leaving me alone in the palace. Not that I mind eh, sometimes it's nice not having waiters, gardeners, cooks, etc. between the feet (guys, I'm joking!) but...there is a but...the Princess, one day, found herself with all the clothes to be washed. You know... here at Court we change 5/6 times a day: in the morning to have breakfast, then for lunch, coffee at 2:00 p.m and tea at 5:00 p.m, for cocktails and dinner, not to mention the outfit for afternoon activities such as horseback riding, tennis or golf.
 Can you imagine two weeks without my servants? Me neither!
 So, in desperation, I wore the only suit I had in the closet, royal blue of course, and the glittery shoes worthy of a Princess, and armed with a magazine and a good dose of patience, I headed to the laundry.
But really you mortals used those boxes to wash and dry your clothes??? I tried, but evidently they have left instructions! Among coins, buttons, time, trousers and detergents, I did not know which side to start.
Do you want to know how that turned out? I went shopping! I could not ruin my Valentino or my Elie Saab!
Alfred, Josephine, and you too Queen... COME BACK!

giovedì 29 ottobre 2015


"Two things save us in life: to love and laugh. If you have one it's ok. If you have both of you are invincible."

We had loved long as strawberries love and cream, the sea and the moon. Loved and stained of that sweet and deep love.
 A caress and a smile. His lips were parted and close to mine, so close I almost feel its warmth. Yet, this time, the thin line that kept us away was clear and we were careful not overcome it, for the fear of not being able to go back.
We had declared war countless times, but with the eyes we made still love.
 Love. How complicated is the love.
Love. As we know about love?
68% of young women is not aware of contraceptive methods alternative to the pill. The choice of contraceptive method depends on many different factors, such as lifestyle, age and health status.
Today, in fact, there are innovative methods of contraception, and testing of forgetfulness, which allow women to live their sexuality with serenity.
The campaign Love It! Sesso Consapevole promoted by SIGO, Italian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, in collaboration with "La pillola senza pillola", aims to bring young women to the world of contraception and help them make an informed choice. It is, in fact, the first information campaign on contraception in which all young women are called to be themselves the ambassador, wearing the bracelet Love It!, a symbol of those who promote a conscious sexuality.
On the site girls can discover the next appointments of Love It! Sesso Consapevole and to get the bracelet (available in 7 different colors). During the meetings, you can have a free and private consultation with gynecologists that will illustrate the importance of contraception and alternatives, yet little known, to the pill.

lunedì 26 ottobre 2015

Princess goes to the country

"It is not easy to walk alone in the countryside, without meditating on something." C. Dickens

We always run away from something. Even if escape is never the answer to our problems.
 Sometimes I am pervaded by the desire to escape from the city, from its noises, its hectic and stressful life, to hole up for a few hours in the hills or in the country, to listen in silence interrupted only the sounds of nature. That silence, broken by the roar in the background of a stream or by the chirping of birds, in which the brain is free to roam to the best shores.
That place where you breathe again, savoring every "step" of that complex biochemical process. Feeling the air entering the body, nourishing cells and tissues, to cross it completely. Stopping to hear those beats punctuated by heart that sometimes is felt "strongly" to remind us that, after all, is always there with us. Even when we forget it.
Nature always is the cure, with her calming effect. A peace for the senses and the soul.
 The simplicity of small things is the cure for all evil, seize them in all their beauty and know how to appreciate it helps us to measure everything biggest that can happen.

venerdì 23 ottobre 2015

Vaniday: servizi di bellezza in un click!

Vanity, you know, is female. And if it was also simple and fast? As a click, for example!
Vaniday is the place where to book beauty and wellness treatments.
Vaniday it is the first platform that allows for the hairdresser, beautician and make-up artists with a click. Book any beauty treatment, from manicures to a haircut, it has never been so simple and fast.
How? With the new app for iOS and Android: from now book the best treatments on the go will be simple and immediate even from our smartphones. The app follows the simple and intuitive layout of the website, and through geo-location, find the nearest salon will be even easier! Or directly from the website, which for the occasion was "rebuilt again." The colors chosen and introduced to the new redesign of the site are coral, black and white to emphasize the characteristic values ​​of the brand: freshness, dynamism, elegance. The new website allows you to find and book in a few clicks with the best beauty treatments: just insert in search field type of treatment and the area of ​​interest and Vaniday select the best beauty salons in the area, indicating the range of prices and any current specials offers. Once you choose the salon, to make an appointment, simply click on "Book" to the left of each service, choose the time available and the person who will process... et voila!
That's not all, no, because Vaniday thinks of all the facilities and the needs of us women, always super busy, and lets you choose whether to pay the treatment at the time of booking or at the salon with no extra charge. Also an automatic remider or SMS 24 hours before it will remind you. Because, us women, sometimes, we are also a bit careless ;)
Now I run, I have an appointment with the beauty.. And you?

mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015

Un caffè (virtuale) con Alessandra Soresina

Let's go back a few months, on a sunny February day. A university town, Pavia, and a princess struggling with a tough exam, one of many.
Months of study went up in smoke in ten minutes. Tears taste of anger, sadness and disappointment  caressed the face as soon as I came out of the courtroom. And at that time there was only one place I wanted to run away, Africa, the same place where I hole whenever I need a break from this world and to dream.
I went downtown and walked to the library. I did not looking for anything in particular but I looked for that continent which, in some way, could make me smile again. I began to wander among the shelves and printed pages in search of something that captured my attention, then, suddenly, I saw it: "Questa notte parlami dell'Africa" ​​and it was love.
Two women, Emma, ​​a lawyer in Milan and Nuri, twenty-two Tanzanian with many dreams. Two different lives but just the same, distant but united by the same dream: to become master of its own destiny. A romance that fascinated me from the beginning, and traveled to that continent that makes my heart beats, that continent of contrasts and wonders, of which you can not do without once known. I read and dreamed, so...with open eyes.
 A succession of emotions, shivers and sighs was accompanying words, pages and chapters, making me wish not to return from that "journey".
There are few people who can describe so well and in detail the feelings that arouse those wide open spaces filled with natural beauty, still less those who manage to make you feel the true essence of those places. I found these qualities in Alessandra Soresina. Hence the desire to meet her...

lunedì 19 ottobre 2015

Sogni d'autunno tra vigneti e uva

October. The autumn, the falling leaves, the vineyards and grapes. Light and nature changing, and with them, perhaps, we change too.
Autumn and its thoughts, heated and lit by a warm sun that still smells of the sea and summer. A poetry of colors. Green and blue that blend with orange accents and overlook the infinite from a hill. On tiptoe, almost hovering, to see what's beyond those lives.
Desires and dreams that hover on white clouds, like the magic of a Viennese waltz. And when the music will stop, and people will leave, we'll be there again. On that muffled cloud of smiles, brought by a sweet memory.

giovedì 15 ottobre 2015

Bloggers And The City

5 girls, friends and colleagues, united by the same passion: fashion.
5 blogger in the city of fashion, Milan, to block traffic with selfie and smiles.
And there they were, photographed before Roberto Cavalli fashion show, intent to post a pic on socials, answering business call (?) and planning drinks in the evening..."What do you say? Let's go to the Dolce & Gabbana Martini or at Icerbeg cocktail party? 
5 styles and different dreams that blend with the happiness to meet (some for the first time) at the most "fashion" week of the year.
Special thanks to the Snobber's husband for the pictures and patience, and that holy man of the policeman who helped us to be not invest making us cross the street countless times!

martedì 13 ottobre 2015

Narciso Rodriguez - For Her L'Absolu

Narciso Rodriguez For Her L'Absolu, a new interpretation of the icon For Her perfume, a pure and refined fragrance, both personal and universal, current and timeless.
Inspired by the profound evolution of modern femininity and dualism, For Her L'Absolu redefines the original perfume enriching a subliminal power that only an "absolute" may contain: a sublime fragrance, with a decided sensuality that the emblematic heart of musk brings prominence.
The jasmine absolute and its voluptuous floral facets make intoxicant the symbolic heart of musk. The delicate notes of amber and woody velvety accents of sandalwood and patchouli adds an intense depth to the fragrance, gently enveloping.

martedì 6 ottobre 2015


On the occasion of the Milan Fashion Week, the famous clothing brand Pinko in collaboration with Italian Independent organized a cocktail party, for the launch of the #THE PINKO INVASION, a collection of sunglasses developed from the union of these brands.
In the Pinko store in Via Montenapoleone, were unveiled new models: a unique blend of craftsmanship and technology. The collection features innovative treatments and special finishes, the result of ongoing research of Italian Independent, and color, prints and contrasting pop shades result of the Pinko creativity.
Sunglasses decline trends and shades of the season, emphasize the personality and the femininity of the woman who wears them, giving her a touch of scratchy mystery.
A collection completely "Made in Italy", consists of 4 models, each of which declined in 12 colors.
A cocktail with music and selfie. Among the evening's guests Alena Seredova, Parodi sisters, Elena Barolo, the inevitable Jo Squillo, footballer Antonio Cassano and many many other.

lunedì 5 ottobre 2015


Sweet and romantic, it is the woman Blugirl spring/summer 2016.
A rich collection of romantic and timeless items but with a soul rock, a mix of styles that create a lively collection and full of color. Yellow, electric blue, fuchsia and green alternate with classic outfits in shades of black and leather.
Romantic butterflies flutter oo light chiffon mini dress and shirts; colorful striped prints, re-proposed to maxi dresses and skirts gypsy inspired as the maxi skirts with flounces.
Accessories (belts, earrings...) bear the name Anna in tribute to Anna Molinari.
A collection that will make you want to dance to Latin rhythms on white beaches and will be loved by the fashion addicted of the romantic-bohemian style.

venerdì 2 ottobre 2015


A fashion show, one of Gucci, who enchanted his audience. Alessandro Michele, the new creative director, has really surprised us, taking care of every detail and bringing a new breath of fresh air. A triumph of colors, details, elements, ancient and modern researched styles.
Silk and transparencies, malicious and never vulgar, wrap the Gucci woman who, next spring/summer 2016, aims to be admired, dressed in light and impalpable fabrics. A lady who likes to dress as a man but less androgynous, wearing suits with tie.
Flowers and Parakeets shooting on bags and clothes, whose lines hark back to the 70s.

mercoledì 30 settembre 2015

Dolce&Gabbana S/S16: L'inno all'Italia

Milan Fashion Week is over. A week discussed and subdued compared to previous editions.
I begin this summary from my great love, Dolce&Gabbana, and their spring/summer 2016, a tribute to Italy.
The collection "Italy is Love" is really a tribute to the country's monuments like the Colosseum and wonderful places like Portofino, Venice, Capri, whose postcard images are shown on dresses, suits, blouses and skirts. The Dolce&Gabbana ultra-feminine woman, with the femininity of the past, choosing her outfit to enjoy the beauties of our country.
 Embroidered flowers, frills and corsets, colorful prints, red and black, transparencies, brocade fabrics and sailor stripes. Each dress a glimpse of the island or a gondola ride, every outfit a moment to savor and a photograph to be captured.
As always, an original walkway and set, the models, in fact, interpret the foreign tourists just landed in the beautiful country, represented by a set with tables, pottery shop and souvenirs, and also a theater of puppets.
And between Venice and the moon, Capri and the sea, I dream.

lunedì 14 settembre 2015

Total Denim Monday

Monday. The smell of coffee, the sound of rain falling, "5 more minutes and then I get up". Monday and that notebook full of deadlines and programs. Dreams and desires.
Monday, the green and blue that they join hands together in the journey of the week will be.
Monday, a new pair of sunglasses and a vintage bag.
Monday and a total denim look, the first and the last. Because I tried to be less doll or less princess, without "fru fru" dresses and flared skirts. But I'm not good. Moreover, if one is born princess she can not die gypsy, right ?! So keep me as well, princess inside.
Mondays in total denim, but also Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I leave it to someone else who definitely takes it better than me, from the next I go back to court...which is better!

venerdì 11 settembre 2015

Da certe donne non si torna indietro. MAI.

Do not fall in love with a woman who reads, a woman who feels too, of a woman who writes.
Do not fall in love with an educated, sorceress, delusional, crazy woman.
Do not fall in love with a woman who thinks, she knows to know, and that is also capable of flying, a woman who believes in herself.
Do not fall in love with a woman who laughs or cries while making love, which knows how to transform her spirit in the flesh and, even more, of a woman who loves poetry (they are the most dangerous), or of a woman who remain half an hour in front of a painting or who can not live without music.
Do not fall in love with an intense, playful, bright, rebellious, irreverent woman.
Not happen to you ever fall in love with a woman like that.
Because when you fall in love with a woman like that, she stays with you or not, whether she love you or not, to a woman like that no going back.

lunedì 7 settembre 2015

Dolcemente complicata

She was a complicated person.
Complicated in the gestures, in the thoughts, to say words, even embrace. She was one of those people that, seemed to have struggled against something and now, now she just wanted to stand while being lost. She was one of those complex people smiling, always with the feet on the ground but with the head and heart elsewhere.
Complicated because she didn't saw only one color, but all the nuances, complex because she could not be content, no more.
Complicated because her thoughts were almost never light, many times weighed, crushed, but then, cradled between the notes of distant, listen, remember songs.
Complicated because she kept trying smiles, without tiring. Because she distinguished them. Because she said she would not make it, but then, with surprise get up and do not know how, take it forever. Complicated because she would not open at all, but only in front of a pair of honest eyes.
Without break up body and soul she was able to enter gently in the heart, without noise, without doing evil. But you heard it too, because she was able to touch and make vibrate gently with pure emotions ropes of this.
Complicated because she asked with the eyes and not with words, so damned incomprehensible.
Protecting and knew the extreme sweetness of loving, loaded on her shoulders the weight of the day, then trust any secret at night. She could protect against sudden storms. Often she flooded, but continued to breathe, without sinking.
She was one of those people that you would not say: they are beautiful. Perhaps because the complexity scares, lands, leaves you so: unprepared.
In front of the banality and a life devoted to frivolous, granted, no taste, she could give it to them, even when everything seemed to dry like a wilderness. Dry and off as rainy days.
She could sweep the monotony of gray and give color and flavor: that of dreams color of the sky, prairie color of hope, the red color of the lips, the love color of life.

lunedì 31 agosto 2015

L'altalena del sorriso

I like crazy people, they scent of life.
I like strange people. Those who laugh without a reason and crying just because they feel like it.
I like those who say what they think, without sounding stupid. Those who can recount and choose words with taste.
I like those who dare and who are not afraid of what people think.
I like the special people. Those that you admire but do not know them. Those that stand out, but with elegance.
I like beautiful people, inside. And those who preserve the wonder of children.
I like those in black and white. Changing mood but then, at the end, choose to be happy.
I like strong people. Those who fall and get up, without too many problems.
I like people who laugh loud, and who can make me laugh. Those that fix you a long time and not know why.
I like real people. Those who dream and told it in the eyes. Those traveling without ever starting. Those who are with the mind elsewhere.
I like people who love and when they choose to love, they love to distraction. Those who live, really live.
And I like to think that it takes little to return children. A swing where rocking for hours with a sweet thought, that draws on the face that curve called smile.

lunedì 17 agosto 2015

Bucket List: cose da fare prima di morire

Foto: Thought Catalog - Unsplash

Si vive una volta sola e "questa volta" dobbiamo renderla un capolavoro. Abbiamo obiettivi, desideri, sogni da realizzare. Ma abbiamo davvero tutto questo tempo?

lunedì 10 agosto 2015

Sognavo l'Africa

L'Africa è il luogo dove, quando la sera il sole tramonta e l'aria si fa fresca e si riempie di strani suoni, puoi socchiudere gli occhi e sorridere in pace, come chi è finalmente tornato a casa.

giovedì 30 luglio 2015

Piccole donne crescono

We are born little and helpless, in need of care and affection. Sweet and tender, with eyes eager to discover the world.
We do not know what we are and where we are going. But most of all with whom. Who will accompany us on our way, when we are old enough to no longer need the hand of mothers and fathers, to learn to walk, step by step, fall after fall. Friends, fake friends, people who want to take something from us, but others, who want to give us a smile, and others who will try to remove it.
Day after day we grow, we become, we form. We are constantly evolving.
We sharpen the nails and character. We fight, dream, suffer, love, shout, laugh and cry.
We have "time no" and "those yes", those that make us more and more desire to achieve our goals and to realize all our dreams.
We have that power in the soul, that when we're on the ground, we will always raise. Even when we believe that we have hit bottom, when we will think of not succeeding. But we will rise, more fortified than before, and we will resume our journey. Step by step, like when we were little.
"Being a woman is so fascinating. It's an adventure that takes such courage, a challenge that is not bored. You' ll have so many things to be taken if born a woman. To begin with, you' ll have to beat you to argue that if God exists could also be an old woman with white hair or a beautiful girl. Then you' ll have to beat you to explain that sin was not born the day when Eve plucked the apple: that day arose a great virtue called disobedience. Finally you' ll have to beat to prove that inside that body smooth and round there is an intelligence that asks to be listened to."
So on this special day, in which 26 years ago was born a little princess with doe eyes, which has become a little woman, I hope to always have that strength, that smile, that light in the eyes and the sweetness, hidden (but that is), in spite of everything.
Happy Birthday Princess!

martedì 28 luglio 2015

Romantic holidays

"Where are you going, miss?" -he said- "Let's go see the sea?"
Her eyes, at the mention of what has always been her great love, the sea, lit up with a light so intense that it was day.
After coasting along the entire coast, with the wind that fluttering the scarf on that warm July and distributed her smiles to everyone who passed, the car stopped at the destination.
 He got out first and, like a true gentleman, opened the door. Red ballerinas sprouted from the black Cadillac and with small graceful steps, she appeared, romantic and graceful in those shorts that showed the waist. They walked along the harbor, exchanging smiles and sweet words, then sat down on a bench to watch the sunset. He hugged her gently and she, in that warm embrace in which she dropped, looked at the sea, through her black sunglasses, sighed and thought, "I'll be back at midnight, like Cinderella, to where I'm processed, and it will be the end of a fairy tale". Or just the beginning.

mercoledì 22 luglio 2015


It happens that Dolce&Gabbana and ELLE organize an event. It happens that they invite you to participate. It happens that they reserve you a make up seat with the talented make-up artist of Dolce&Gabbana.
An evening of beauty, in perfect Dolce&Gabbana style, to try and to discover the beauty products of the brand, in one of the most beautiful courtyards of Milan.
In the air, the scent of lemonade blended with that of the Dolce&Gabbana fragrances and make-up, hovering on the notes of the most beautiful Italian songs of the '50s and '60s. For a few hours it was like stepping back in time to the days of "Sapore di mare" and "Abbronzatissima", and although the 40° is really breathed the air of holiday, that of an Italian dolce vita.

venerdì 17 luglio 2015

Carolina Herrera Africa

The night in the savannah, the darkness and the sounds of animals from the bush. The night is finally all for themselves.
The timid light of an oil lamp that illuminates the desk, the diary open, ready to be filled with emotion, sighs and memories that will be etched forever. But ever since the heart.
The days in the savannah seem to spend ever, everything is so extreme and at the same time slow, pole in Swahili.
In the air, rugged and wild, a perfume, that of "African Nights"; the new "Africa" ​​in a limited edition by Carolina Herrera (found on
An enveloping fragrance inspired by wild vegetation and the endless dunes of the desert Nigerian, talks about a trip to the black continent. A journey that begins with notes of juicy oranges with a hint of violet. During the journey, between dunes and herds of animals, meet the iris, cinnamon and rooibos tea. Finally, the adventure ends with vanilla, incense Somali and woody notes.
The bottle of the fragrance evokes the landscape in the sun and the colors of Africa, represented by animal motifs, cover it completely.
Suddenly, the roar of a lion breaks the silence of the night and leads me to make a point to my story. I get up and make my way to the window. There she was, with her cubs, to drink along the shore of the pond, illuminated by a mysterious full moon.
I smile and I enjoy the show from that magical African night.

lunedì 13 luglio 2015

Blue thoughts

Blue as the sky and the sea. Blue as the deepest ocean.
Blue as the most beautiful eyes in the world, for those few "chosen". Blue as sapphires and lapis lazuli.
Thoughts, dreams and desires follow one another like waves in our sea, the sea that lulls our minds.
What does water dream when asleep? To find her pearl, one that some fisherman has brutally stolen, or to be reunited with her brother Ocean? Who knows what thoughts guards along with jewels and coffers of the abyss. How many words would have to say, what secrets to tell.
The mind is like water: when you shake it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow yourself to calm down, the answer will appear clear. Like when, overcome uncertainty before a dip in the blue that conceals everything, damn good, damn scary, take courage and you find yourself breathing in those nuances of life. Everything becomes clear, the mind "cleans", leaving those "torture" there, on the mainland, where you left them. And while swimming, you can find a different light, the light of clarity, to shy sunbeams that ask "permission" to Neptune's house.

mercoledì 8 luglio 2015

My Dolce Vita

A restaurant situated in the historic center of the city, a sophisticated and charming place that immediately brings you back in time.
Behind an iron gate, in an old courtyard in a perfect shabby style, surrounded by pink flowers here and there, a glass greenhouse and many tables in the garden for outdoor dining, lit by many other candles.
A lovely place, my favorite, where you can breathe a refined and romantic atmosphere, but relaxed at the same time.
Soft pink thoughts are released in the air, dancing with the aroma of coffee. That of the soft cappuccino accompanied by delicious fruit pastries. Because life sometimes needs only sweetness. That sweetness that you can find only in Paris.
I could almost be able to hear Parisian artists whistling the melodic Vie en Rose, releasing, for each brush stroke on the canvas, a wave of pink flowers. I imagine my sweet life like this, with a dress that looks like something out of the brush of a painter, made even more romantic by a big white hat, ready to fly away, like the notes of a song, at the first gust of wind . Light, like a long dreamily sigh.

martedì 7 luglio 2015

PROFUMINO experience

As you know I have a passion for perfume, I buy one and the next day it would take another one. It's stronger than me, then collect them "records" ;) I have of all sizes, large and mini, and all the brands, or almost.
I love change them often, depending on the season but also mood. The scent, to me, is a real accessory, therefore, when I get ready in the morning, carefully choosing the outfit of the day, I like to have a choice of perfume to choose the "perfect" that will accompany me throughout the day! Yes, I'm crazy, I know! Everyone has their own quirks ;)
Usually I buy a perfume or two every season, if I can not decide even 3, but this happens only in summer, when brands, in my opinion, give its best!
So a few weeks ago, I found, an online perfumery with branded products discounted up to 70% compared to the prices of traditional perfumery. offers a wide range of perfumes from all the best brands, including limited editions that, very often, are hard to find. In addition to perfumes, you can find cosmetics, creams, sunscreen, gift sets, hair care products and much more, both for her and for him. And thanks to special offers, still in force, and the loyalty points you can save. You know, the wallet of a woman weeps always when it comes to cosmetics and shoes, is not it?! ;)
Are you curious to know what I got? Yes, a perfume!
Do you want to know what? I will reveal in the next post!
Let's see if you have learned to know me... the perfume that I chose, and which I will talk soon, can be found in the images below! Which is?

lunedì 6 luglio 2015

Summer feeling

A villa, Casa Cuniolo, nestled in a Castle hill, here in Tortona, dominating the center of the city; the villa of dreams.
Breakfast with brioche, cappuccino, jam and fresh fruit at will, in a romantic and fragrant garden, poolside.
Peaceful setting, interrupted only by the awakening of the birds, and the rays of a hot July sun, ready to make my golden skin.
The elegance of a high-waisted bikini, ivory, and luxury made in Italy of Grazia'lliani, whose creative force is to underline the innate elegance of women with a sophisticated and sensual image. Even at the beach or in the pool I never give to that sophistication that makes "only" a woman and her beachwear, as the pin on the central bow, a detail that immediately caught my attention.
The goal of Grazia'lliani is precisely to give to the women that elegance, light and unforgettable, in everyday life, from homewear to beachwear and outwear. Each item is made exclusively in Italy by local industries.
If you are looking for the perfect bikini to pack and maybe even a nice cover-ups (I've had wonderful!), I suggest you take a look at their online shop.
Now I leave you, tan is waiting for me ;)

giovedì 2 luglio 2015

NARCISO by Narciso Rodriguez

The perfume, one of the accessories that I prefer and that he prefers: Narciso Rodriguez.
The perfume wears you after a refreshing shower, evokes emotions and memories, is the "final touch" that makes you feel good, a ritual that has something magical. And it is so magical, the new fragrance NARCISO eau de toilette by Narciso Rodriguez.
A new olfactory interpretation that tells a femininity full of magnetism.
With this new essence the American designer of Cuban origin, writes a new chapter in the world of women's fragrances, interpreting the mystery of attraction with an implicitly intriguing power, enhanced with a more explicit character and absolutely irresistible.
In this new variation of NARCISO eau de toilette, the seduction is expressed in a new dimension, played once again by the top model Raquel Zimmerman.
The bright top notes of white peony join those intense essential oil of Bulgarian rose to compose a heady bouquet of white flowers, which reveals the inevitable heart of musk, crystalline and sensual, sublimated by voluptuous woody accords of white and black cedar, that make the new eau de toilette Narciso Rodriguez mesmerizing.
While sharing the same graphic codes, the eau de parfum and eau de toilette Narciso stand for a reversal of colors that highlights the differences. The new eau de toilette is kept in the same transparent glass cube of the original version, but the bottle sculpture inside reveals a delicate semi-oval suspended deep black, like a heart soft-edge, which echoes the model provocative portrait of Raquel Zimmerman.
The name of the fragrance is a simple logo, written in pure white, while the distinctive rectangular cap becomes transparent, like a delicate tribute to crystalline musk that signature the fragrance.
An irresistible olfactory composition, the new signature for sensual and intriguing women.

mercoledì 1 luglio 2015

Come eliminare le macchie di sangue secco


Often inadvertently cut with a piece of paper and staining, perhaps, just the white favorite shirt. And now???
Remove stains of blood has always been a dilemma, also because every time when we realize now the stain on the fabric has already dried. So what to do against stains of dried blood and without damaging the fabric?
There are many methods for groped to "recover" the stained fabric, some require the use of detergents for the kitchen or the laundry, while others are more aggressive. The important thing is to always pay attention to the type of tissue to be treated, especially silk, wool and other delicate.

The wise grandma's remedies, those passed from generation to generation, are in my opinion the best ever! Our grandmothers knew and  know more and more of a devil, right?

lunedì 22 giugno 2015

Un amore tra le nuvole

We travel for many reasons, for infinite interests, to work, to expand our knowledge, to find oneself, to find a contact with nature, with people. We travel for love, to be free, to live.
Everyone traveling in their own way and according to their possibilities, the important thing is to have the spirit to move, learn and discover. For some travel is a necessity, a desire that comes from the soul to be able to go to places you desire and discover new horizons.
"But the real travelers start to leave and just: hearts light, like balloons that only the case moves eternally, they always say "Let's go", and do not know why. Their desires are in the shape of the clouds."
I love traveling and this is well known, but may not know how I'm in love with planes and airports. I could spend hours and hours, lying on a grass, watching the white streak of a plane cut high in the blue sky, dreaming of being up there in the clouds of desires, live in some kind of latitude, meridian, parallel of this planet.
Airports are places of meetings of flying objects, that make you closer to the sky, always the goal of man. A meeting place for different people, people of all nationalities, cultures and religions, people everywhere. People leave and people arriving. People greet family and friends. People leaving for a long period or forever. People arriving for the first time in a place unknown to them.
The airport is full of life, of coming and going, full of happiness and sadness. The airport is one of those places where I would spend the days, so even without starting, just to watch the people, imagine their state, and to watch the planes ready for take-off, with the roll of engines that makes me so mad .
The airport is a mingling of travelers and dreamers, my place. In the airport you are already in the sky even before boarding the plane.

lunedì 15 giugno 2015

Sicilian Dream

The scent of summer, on a terrace overlooking the sea surrounded by flowers and citrus fruits, those citrus fruits and that turquoise sea, a thousand shades, that do immediately think of Sicily and the islands that surround it. A peculiar beauty with an insatiable charm. Yes, Sicily is like this.. you are never satisfied. More you see it and more you fall in love. And this know well my heart designers that, with their creations, make us to dream, savor, sigh those enchanted scenarios.
That Sicily famous for granite, landscapes, history, traditions, food and then they... the majolica, ceramics from the brightly patterned, floral and geometric, that make my eyes like hearts every time I see them . If they are drawn on a dress or a skirt Dolce&Gabbana, I become one with the hearts.
For some time I was looking for a skirt that tells speaks about Sicily, at least, a couple of years, but I never could find it. So, given that the trends this summer does not excite me that much, I decided to create it. You should know that one of my biggest dreams, is precisely to create my own line of clothing and wear something created by me.
A few months ago I went from my seamstress, which also has rich and signed fabrics, saying: "I want a Sicilian skirt, one of those with majolica designed... like Dolce&Gabbana?", she opened the closet and showed me the Dolce&Gabbana stuff.... can you imagine my eyes at the sight of that wonder colored? Within seconds the shop filled with hearts!
The rest came by itself, I explained the model I had in mind, pencil, with high belt in contrast and back vent. And here it is, my skirt Désir de Princess, the first of a long series, worn in a sicilian mood, with a big straw hat, Violavinca coral pumps and Dsquared2 diva sunglasses.
For the name I wanted something special, something that spoke about me and that could identify the entire line only appoint hearing. So, asking some advice to my best friend, we have coined Désir de Princess, where my name and the name of the blog are married together.
Do you like it? I love it, but obviously I'm biased ;)

giovedì 11 giugno 2015

Dèjeuner sur l'herbe

I always loved art, in all its forms, and art history. Do you think that, at school, it was one of those lessons (or perhaps the only) I could afford to read once and it has already learned. Something that has not happened for history, that I could study it and repeat it all day I did not really entered (and bored me too!).
Painting is an art form that has always fascinated and passionate me, most of my favorite painters are French and all Impressionists such as Degas, who with his dancers made me dream, Monet and Manet. And the famous "Luncheon on the Grass" of the latter, with the virtuosity of expression and the contrast of blacks and bright colors, is one of those paintings that remained in my heart. But how would his art work in 2015?
I think it would be an Italian pic-nic, in a Sunday in June, in the shade of a large oak tree, with fresh fruit at will, bread (ok, the baguette is not very Italian but in the picture is good :P) and sausages (only a slice through, otherwise I get all fat and pimples and then I can not be a model!), a nice glass of rosé and that scent of linden in the air that immediately makes summer.

martedì 9 giugno 2015

Please don't stop the music!

I am made for the 50% of dreams and the other 50% of music.
The music, that friend that gives me encouragement and strength at any time of the day, in every moment of life.
Listening to music 10 hours a day and I never tire of her. It helps me to think, write, study, relax, never leaves me. My life is marked by the notes that follow the player, from the most classical to the most rock, depending on the time, as needed.
I am an extrovert and expansive, I like being with people, but I love to be alone with myself. There are times when I really needed to get that out of the inner world, from all the people around me. It is not selfishness, it's a necessity. Not by chance, in fact, I'd like to have a private islet where I could take refuge in those days, weeks, months. The only one that would be welcome, always her: music.
In those times or in those hours of the day while I am with myself, I love walking, surrounded by nature, with the song of the period or the day in the ears. Thus, in repeat.. 10, 100 times. That sound clear, clean, amazing coming out from my Bose headphones and get to flow in my veins, until it touches every single cell of my body. Just us, me and my lifeblood, and for that moment I forget everything.

martedì 2 giugno 2015

Home Decor: Idee per la camera da letto

Lodo Barana Arquitetura E Interior/

Lately I'm obsessed with the decor and interior design. I often think about how I would decorate my future home and on time, as a great lover of the bedroom, start the virtual decor just from that, along with the bathroom of course. Bedroom and bathroom are two of the rooms of a house that I love.
Honestly, I'm still undecided on the style, I do not know whether classical or modern, but one thing is for sure, I want it: 1)light 2)spacious, very spacious (soon understand why) and 3)white. Yes, white is the dominant color, that's for sure!
There will be soft rugs and pillows scattered; then the bed will be huge and possibly round. No TV, do not watch TV, but will not miss an elegant desk with pc, magazines, books and fresh flowers. Finally, the INEVITABLE vanity area, to feel really a princess.
It will then be connected to the bathroom and the closet, so, in series. Do you know the room of Carrie and Mr. Big in Manhattan? Here, more or less like that.
In essence, to satisfy my whims, I would need a whole apartment to use as a bedroom.
So, doing some research I came across on Homify, the portal that brings together more than 45.000 experts including architects, interior designers and companies specializing in the furniture industry, and I've had my fill of photos and ideas for the bedroom. Now it miss only a "detail": the house!

lunedì 1 giugno 2015

Come una Ninfa

An enchanted garden and a palette of blue, green, light blue and pink create a dreamy atmosphere suspended between surrealism and abstraction, as in a gallery of paintings between the Enlightenment and Fauvism. In the air the smell of the pond filled with water lilies, wild flowers, freshly cut grass... here is where the nymphs hide, between flowers and leaves. They have a fresh face blossoming between their long dark hair, a rosebud for a mouth, the magic in the eyes and that dreamy air, sometimes misleading, that so crazy Gods. They are sylvan creatures with romantic dresses that seem to grow like ivy on their bodies and floral crowns, to emphasize that these creatures are part of the flora. But like all modern nymphs, they move like graceful ballerinas, from their heels, to the tune of their melodic voices, including branches of flowers and branches of plantains in their fairy gardens, in a sharp contrast with the lightness of a beauty that lasts a moment, like a falling leaf on the water.

giovedì 21 maggio 2015

Bond Girl

A call in the middle of a yoga class. A new top secret mission.
A summer suit, a thin layer of red lipstick and big Yves Saint Laurent sunglasses.
A plane from New York to Los Angeles and a car ready to run away.
A birthday party, Ron's, Mexican businessman who, as they say in Italy, "played with fire too."
15.000 guests, all gathered in the garden of his villa, but among them are hidden infiltrators determined to make the poor Ron dancing to the sound of maracas.
Just missing him and the mission can begin. Bond, James Bond.

giovedì 14 maggio 2015

Lady Dsquared

Lately I have a new fixation, it is called: red. Yes, the lover of pink, blue and black regard to clothing, has fallen in love or infatuated (we'll see how it will evolve the lovestory) of a warm, flashy and confident color just like the red and the image it want to convey. Maybe the passion for this color is just a fleeting crush, or not, and maybe due to the fact that the color of love par excellence, as you could see, "burned" the catwalks, becoming one of the hottest colors season.
So this spring, forget even the number of fire engines and get ready to burn the streets of the city, I have already begun!
A red pencil skirt combined with beloved white shirt, a big black hat as the Miu Miu pumps, red clutch and Dsquared2 cat sunglasses, that I've found on Definitely perfect to complete my ladylike look, is not it?

mercoledì 13 maggio 2015

NIYO&CO. #youritalianbeauty

Hello princesses! Today I want to tell you about a brand of makeup and beauty that I got to know and test: NIY&CO. How many of you know it? Surely the Roman friends will already have heard about it, right?!
NIY&CO. is the real Italian perfumery, an established company in the perfume world with over 40 years of experience and with more than 2000 items including make-up and accessories, cosmetics, fragrances and perfumes, face and body treatments, skin care plus a men and children line.
Selected products and high quality at affordable prices, these are the strengths of NIYO&CO.
But we see the inspiration of this brand:

-N = New, a new concept in perfumery
-I = Italian, a brand completely Made in Italy
-Y = Young, because it's a young, dynamic and fresh brand
-O = Original, because it is the only franchise that offers a full range of products designed and manufactured in Italy
-&CO = Convenient

From these 5 points it was born the world's NIYO&CO.
Where you can find NIYO&CO. products? On the new online shop ( or at a retail store in Rome, Arezzo and Naples.
In the next post I will talk extensively of creams and makeup products received and I'm trying, do not miss them!